Thank You

HomeAid would like to thank the Building Industry for supporting our mission to improve or expand housing and resources for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 


With your support HomeAid, rooted in in-kind donations of labor and materials from our homebuilding industry partners, saves significant costs on each HomeAid-built housing project.  Together we help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness build new lives through construction, community engagement, and education.


If you are interested in getting involved in a HomeAid project or want to learn more, please contact Crisand Giles for more information.HomeAid would like to thank the Building Industry for supporting our mission to improve or expand housing and resources for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 


With your support HomeAid, rooted in in-kind donations of labor and materials from our homebuilding industry partners, saves significant costs on each HomeAid-built housing project.  Together we help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness build new lives through construction, community engagement, and education.


If you are interested in getting involved in a HomeAid project or want to learn more, please contact Crisand Giles for more information.


Donate Used Toys and Decorations Before the Holidays! Donate Used Toys and Decorations Before the Holidays!
