Please Donate Used Toys and Decorations Before the Holidays!

HomeAid would like to encourage you to donate your children’s used toys and holiday decorations to local thrift stores before December so that families can purchase items in time for some holiday cheer!  So often we wait until after the holidays to make room for new purchases and we flood thrift stores with used toys and decorations after the Holidays are already over. 

In thrift stores run by local Care Providers, the residents receiving care and support are often allowed to shop for clothing and seasonal items for free, in time to celebrate with their families.  If you know your children will be blessed with holiday gifts this year, please consider donating used items early so that our neighbors with limited income can make their child’s holiday special!


HomeAid Moved 7 Micro-Home Units to Walnut Creek Hope Village


SMC hosts Successful Winter Essentials Drive for STAND! for Families Free of Violence